Merlin Puppet Theatre
Monday 8th - Tuesday 9th April 2019
10am - 5pm daily
Ages 18+ / adults
An approach to all three basic elements that contribute to making a complete visual universe - Object, Universe and Life. OBJECT - puppet, mask, shadows; UNIVERSE - scenography, light and sound; LIFE - how these elements become animate. An exploratory laboratory, which examines through analysis, practice and experimentations, how a harmonious puppetry performance is created. Through improvisations and research on stage individually and in groups, participants will work on how to develop and realise an idea, all the way from scratch to the final desirable result. See here for Merlin Puppet Theatre's show at the festival, "Noone's Land".

The 5th edition of Newcastle Puppetry Festival ran 30th March - 7th April 2024. Spanning 9 days at indoor and outdoor venues across the city, the 2024 programme presented shows, workshops, talks and films for adults, kids, teens and families. The festival included 2 weeks of community workshops resulting in the City of Kittiwakes parade on Northumberland Street, and for the first time, Puppetry on the Green at Great North Museum: Hancock. Shows at Northern Stage included 'Ascension' by SITIO Compagnie - a UK premiere.
2024 Festival

"It’s so fantastic to have such a diverse, creative festival in Newcastle, bringing in more visitors to our fab region"
– Audience member, 2023

2024 Festival Gallery
A Bird in the Hand Theatre, Alice Rowbottom, Alison Duddle, Alison McGowan / PuppetShip CIC, Animus Puppetry, Bambi BangBang, Beanpig Puppets, Bell & Bullock Circus Theatre, Chloe Rodham, Clydebuilt Puppet Theatre, Creature Encounters, Dragon Song Productions, Drew Colby, Garlic Theatre, Georgia Hill, Glitzy Facepainting, Gemma Bond, Goofus Theatre, Half a String, Hijinx Theatre, Hugo Docking / Spare Flesh, Invisible Thread Theatre of Animation, Jayne Dent, Jesse Ward Bubbleologist, Jo Feijó, Jose Navarro, Judith Hope Puppet Maker, Lachlan Werner, Laura Bacon, Life & Limb Puppets, Lempen Puppet Theatre, Lori Hopkins, Noisy Oyster, Paul Dewhust Magician, Rattlebox Theatre, Raven Kaliana, Rob Kirtley, Rosie Bristow, Sarah Vigars, Scarlet Oak Theatre, Seb Mayer, SITIO Compagnie, Strangeface Theatre Company, 'T Magische Theaterje, Tehe Flying Buttresses, The Magic Lantern, The Moss Troopers, The Object Project, The Paper Cinema, Tim Davies Design, Zannie Fraser
Made possible through funding from Arts Council England, North of Tyne Combined Authority, Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, National Lottery Community Fund, National Lottery Heritage Fund, The People's Postcode Lottery, The Barbour Trust, Malings Community Fund.
Partners and Venues
Northern Stage, Great North Museum: Hancock, Ouseburn Farm, The Cluny, Seven Stories National Centre for Children's Books, Breeze Creatives / The John Marley Centre, Newcastle University, Von Fox Promotions, StageText, The Traditional Marquee Company, Illumination Theatre Services, Life & Limb Puppets.
Take a look at the 2024 brochure
Crucial to our aims and objectives, the festival includes a series of bespoke projects that get community groups and students creative and interacting with puppetry or provide free access to high quality puppet theatre. We are passionate about participant-led work and build avenues into the festival programme that allow local residents to get directly involved. We want to incubate a community for puppetry in the North East of England and our festival is a big part of that narrative. Check out City of Kittiwakes below...
A huge thank you to our funders and partners for making the festival possible!